Humanify Leadership FAQ

What is 'Humanified Leadership'?

Humanified Leadership refers to leadership practices that prioritize ethical behavior, empathy, and social responsibility, aiming to unite leadership with the inherent worth of individuals.

How does `humanify´ relate to leadership?

Arguably, one was to appropriate Ingold's conceptualisation of humanify and utilise it to examine the leadership praxis in the Anthropocene epoch; in that case, transforming leadership into a more humanified form in the twenty-first century is an inevitable evolution of our shared reality and collective consciousness.

A common term used in relation to leadership is humanise or human leadership. You use the term humanify. What is the difference between `humanise´ and `humanify´?

Tim Ingold  a renowned anthropologist distinguishes between humanise and humanify: the former depicts the progression of ‘becoming human’, as exhibited in infants and children, whilst the latter signifies ‘human becoming’, a ceaseless duty we must undertake. This undertaking of humanifying ourselves and others constitutes a life’s work.

How can AI humanify leadership?

AI can enhance human-centric leadership by providing deeper insights into employee behavior and organizational needs, automating routine tasks to allow leaders to focus more on interpersonal relationships and strategic decision-making.

Why is a transformative approach to leadership necessary?

A transformative approach is crucial to address the current leadership crisis by fostering leaders who prioritize communal benefits and human values over personal gain.

What role do business schools play in shaping future leaders?

Business schools lay the foundation for future leaders by educating and preparing students to tackle current and future leadership challenges with ethical, empathetic, and socially responsible practices.

What is the 'dehumanisation of guidance' in business schools?

This term refers to the tendency in leadership education to focus narrowly on skillsets or detached ideals, overlooking the human elements of leadership such as identity, community, and circumstance.

How can leadership education be reformed?

Leadership education can be reformed by integrating human values, empathy, and a deeper understanding of leadership's social and emotional dimensions into the curriculum.

What is the aim of your research?

The aim is to develop actionable frameworks that encourage current and future leaders to humanify their leadership practice, ensuring organizational thriving and respecting each individual's intrinsic value.

How can current and future leaders embrace 'leadership becoming'?

Leaders can embrace 'leadership becoming' by continuously seeking to humanize their leadership approach, focusing on ethical behavior, empathy, and prioritizing the well-being of their teams and society.

What change in perspective is needed among leaders?

Leaders need to recognize their responsibility in ensuring institutional thriving and empowering each person, valuing human flourishing as the cornerstone of their leadership approach.


What inspired you to pursue this research?

A series of insights and realizations about the current state of leadership and its impact on society motivated the pursuit of research focused on humanifying leadership practices.

How can organizations implement humanified leadership practices?

Organizations can implement these practices by fostering environments that prioritize empathy, ethical decision-making, and social responsibility at all levels of leadership.

What challenges do leaders face in humanifying their leadership?

Leaders may face challenges such as overcoming traditional leadership paradigms, integrating emotional intelligence into decision-making, and aligning organizational goals with human values.

Can humanified leadership coexist with profit-oriented business models?

Yes, humanified leadership can enhance profit-oriented models by building trust, fostering innovation, and creating a more engaged and productive workforce.

How does 'leadership becoming' influence organizational culture?

It promotes a culture of continuous learning, adaptability, and genuine concern for the well-being of employees, leading to a more resilient and cohesive organizational environment.

What are the benefits of humanified leadership for society?

Benefits include more ethical business practices, improved community relations, and contributions to the social good, leading to a more equitable and sustainable world.

How do personal values influence leadership practices?

Personal values are critical in shaping leadership practices, guiding leaders in making ethical decisions, fostering empathy, and building meaningful relationships within and outside the organization.

What is the role of empathy in leadership?

Empathy allows leaders to understand and relate to the needs, feelings, and perspectives of their teams, enhancing communication, trust, and collaboration.

How can leaders balance empathy with decision-making?

Leaders can balance empathy with decision-making by considering the emotional and human aspects of their decisions while also focusing on strategic objectives and organizational goals.

What strategies can emerging leaders use to develop a humanified leadership style?

Emerging leaders can seek mentorship, engage in continuous learning about ethical leadership, practice empathy, and actively participate in community and social responsibility initiatives.

Where can I learn more about humanified leadership?

For more information on humanified leadership, visit humleads.org, which offers resources, research findings, and a community of like-minded leaders committed to fostering human-centric leadership practices.

The terms "humanized leadership" and "humanities leadership" have distinct meanings based on the anthropological concepts of "humanize" and "humanifying." Can you explain?

Humanized Leadership:

Humanized leadership refers to a leadership approach that emphasizes the human aspects of leadership, such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and fostering a sense of belonging and purpose among team members. It involves recognizing and embracing the human qualities and needs of both leaders and followers, and creating an environment where individuals feel valued, respected, and supported.

This leadership style aligns with the concept of "humanize," which describes the process of becoming more human-like, acknowledging human emotions, vulnerabilities, and experiences. Humanized leaders strive to connect with their team members on a personal level, understanding their motivations, aspirations, and challenges, while promoting a culture of trust, transparency, and mutual growth.

Humanified Leadership:

On the other hand, "humanified leadership" refers to a leadership approach that draws upon the knowledge, principles, and values derived from the study of humanities disciplines, such as philosophy, literature, history, and the arts. This style of leadership emphasizes the cultivation of wisdom, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and a broad understanding of human experiences and cultures.

Humanified leadership aligns with the concept of "humanifying," which represents the process of evolving as a human being, continuously refining one's understanding of the human condition, and striving for personal and societal growth. Leaders who embrace this approach seek to inspire and guide others by drawing upon the rich tapestry of human knowledge and experiences, fostering intellectual curiosity, and promoting values such as empathy, creativity, and cultural appreciation.

In summary, humanized leadership focuses on the human aspects of leadership, emphasizing empathy, emotional intelligence, and creating a supportive environment, while humanified leadership draws upon the knowledge and values derived from the study of humanities disciplines, promoting wisdom, ethical reasoning, and a deep understanding of human experiences and cultures.


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